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Last month we had our first big snow of the winter, and decided to take Quinn out to play in it. I assumed she would LOVE it as much as I do…but I was wrong. She wasn’t a huge fan, but I think eventually she will love it.







Sorry for the lack of posts recently. We had a busy, fun, exciting, awesome, summer…and this blog kind of fell by the way side. But, Quinn changes SO MUCH every day, and I want to make sure I remember everything…and that’s one reason I created this blog…so, I’m back!

I have wanted to do a post on Quinn’s birthday. For Quinn’s actual birthday, I took the day off work to celebrate with her. I made her a yummy breakfast (pancakes and banannas – her favorite). We met up with Nanna and Uncle Danny at The Greene, where we played in the fountain and had lunch. Quinn and I came home, both took naps, and then spent the afternoon at the park and playing with her new water table. When Mike got home from work, we had dinner and Quinn had her first cupcake.

We also had a birthday party with family and a few friends. There was some rain at times, but overall, it was a beautiful day where we got to celebrate Quinn’s 1st year with the people we love (and those who love her)!

Without further ado, enjoy some pictures from her actual birthday and from her birthday party.

P.S. We have to give a big shout out to my cousin Hannah Schneider who made her birthday cake AND a smash cake. Hannah is so talented…and she’s going to make it big someday!

















Quinn has a new favorite lovey, and she is always holding it when she wakes up from her nap. I was able to capture some after-nap pictures the other day of her holding her lovey.






Ever since Quinn’s first day home, we have done weekly photo shoots with her to document her growth. Some were well planned – coordinate the outfit with the bow with the background – where others were more spur of the moment (“we have 5 minutes, I need to get her weekly pictures, but all she has on is a diaper”)! But, I think all turned out pretty well…and I love being able to see her growth each week. As I have been told, kids grow up so fast, so I’m glad I have her first year well documented.

Here are her pictures up through week 48. I will be sure to complete this post with all 52 weeks.

1 Day

1 week

2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks

5 weeks

6 weeks

7 weeks

8 weeks

9 weeks

10 weeks

11 weeks

12 weeks

13 weeks

14 weeks

15 weeks

16 weeks

17 weeks

18 weeks

19 weeks

20 weeks

21 weeks

22 weeks

23 weeks

24 weeks

25 weeks

26 weeks

27 weeks

28 weeks

29 weeks

30 weeks

31 weeks

32 weeks

33 weeks

34 weeks

35 weeks

36 weeks

37 weeks

38 weeks

39 weeks

40 weeks

41 weeks

42 weeks

43 weeks

44 weeks

45 weeks

46 weeks

47 weeks

48 weeks

This video is pretty bad because I was holding Quinn while recording, but it’s her talking to Harrison (one of our cats). Harrison was meowing because her toy went under a piece of furniture, and Quinn started “meowing” back…so I quickly grabbed my phone to capture it.

I know I’m a little late, but happy mother’s day to all the mothers out there!


Here is it, her 7, 8, and 9 month updates – all in one post. Lot’s of updates, lot’s of pictures (sorry!)

Note: the 9 month pictures start when she has the grey bow in her hair. She moves around so much now that it’s hard to see the number – and in the picture where you can see the number, it looks like 8. 🙂

7 Months:
– Quinn had 2 bottom teeth
– Starting on 2/28, Quinn was able to get up on all 4’s (knees and hands) and swing back and forth, trying to crawl.
– We finally had a beautiful day and took Quinn to the park where she got to swing for the first time. (Here is that post:
– She LOVES Sophie the Giraffe – it goes everywhere with her.

8 Months:
– Quinn learned how to clap – she would wake up every morning clapping.
– Quinn started eating “big girl food” by herself.
– On 4/9 Quinn crawled for the first time. (In case you missed it, here is a video:
– She now has 6 teeth (3 on the top and 3 on the bottom).
– She loves banging toys together or on the floor to hear the noises they make.
– Quinn had a weekend with Mimi and Grandpa while daddy and I went to New Orleans to celebrate Aunt Ellen and Uncle Chris’ wedding!

9 Months:
– Height: 29 inches (85th percentile)
– Weight: 18 pounds 9 ounces (51st percentile)
– Head: 45.8 cm (89th percentile)
– We finally got her baptized – she wore the same dress that Aunt Ellen and I wore when we were baptized.
– She responds to “How Big is Quinn” by waving her arms in the air.
– Quinn can wave “hello” and “good bye”
– Quinn and I went to Arizona to visit Aunt Deb, Uncle Mark, Becca, and Adam.














I’m slacking with the updates, I know…and I will try and get better! Here she is eating carrots and oatmeal. She is getting so big…she eats a lot of table food now…but we still end with baby food to make sure she is getting enough! 


I know I owe you some posts…(a 7, 8, and 9 month update)…so don’t worry, they are coming.

But until I get around to that post, you will have to watch this video of her crawling! This just started last night. It’s the first time she has gotten from point A to point B, on her hands and knees, so we are saying it’s a crawl. In case you are wondering what toy it was that finally got her to crawl, it was a cat toy (of course). It’s only a matter of time until she is motoring all around the house.

The video isn’t very clear because I used my phone…it was all I had on hand when this started.

This is a picture of Quinn looking out the window…waiting for some nice weather where she can go out and play!
